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Finding an Anxiety Therapist Specialist in Tarzana

If you or your loved ones are suffering from anxiety problem in Tarzana then instead of searching for any therapist you will want to search for a Tarzana anxiety therapist – meaning someone who specializes specficially in treating anxiety. A specialist therapist will provide therapeutic treatment for general as well as advanced anxiety. Most of the specialist therapists available in Tarzana also work as anxiety psychotherapists, anxiety counsellor and anxiety psychologists. They can help in treating disorders caused by anxiety due to various reasons like anxiety attacks, social anxiety, anxiety panic, shyness and anxiety depression etc. They help in overcoming your anxiety by providing counselling to the patients.

Anxiety Therapist Michelle Dabach in Tarzana office

Various types of human anxiety

Fear anxiety: The anxiety of any human can be understood better in terms of the fear felt from any thing by the patient. So the anxiety therapist you choose in Tarzana also uses fear therapy to treat his/her patient. The fear therapy used by these specialists helps in treating disorders caused by various types of fears including attack of fear or fear from society. Their fear can be due to insecure feeling, fear of commitment, fear of being copied and fear from flying etc. In order to overcome the fear of the patient they provide counselling to reduce the fear of their patients.

Phobia anxiety: Usually anxiety also known as phobia related to certain things like:

  • Claustrophobia, related to places where the patient thinks it is hard to escape,
  • Agrophobia, related to the fear of leaving a safe place
  • Emetophobia related to fear of vomiting
  • Social phobia etc.

So to treat these various options of phobia most of the anxiety specialists provide phobia therapies by using phobia counselling as well as exposure therapy.

Working of exposure therapy

In fact, anxiety can be treated by avoiding it naturally as much as possible as is not a pleasant sensation. People usually try to avoid the situations that cause anxiety to avoid it. for instance if you are afraid of heights then instead of crossing a tall bridge people prefer to drive out of the way even if they have to spend more time to reach their destination. Similarly, if one feels anxious while speaking in public then he starts avoiding even the weddings of their best friend to avoid being the part of crowd. But by avoiding the situation that makes you anxious you can never overcome the problem. Actually by avoiding the cause of anxiety you are making it stronger than before.

So to get rid of anxiety most of the specialist therapists use Exposure therapy which exposes the patients to the objects or situations they are afraid of or have phobia. Main aim of this therapy is to feel that your control on the situation increases and reduces the problem by exposing to those situations or things repeatedly. This therapy can be used exclusively as well as the part of CBT, depending upon the condition of the paitent.

Anxiety specialist therapist vs random therapist

Though the style of working of an anxiety specialist therapist and a random therapist looks similar but still they are quite different from each other.

Usually random therapists are also known as CBT therapists. They diagnose the problem of the patient by working on the stresses caused by his work as well as his thoughts. Their therapy is based on the faith that negative feelings of the patient are due to his own thoughts instead of events or people. They usually help their patients by identifying the extent of their problems, testing the reality of their thoughts and correcting the believes that are affecting their thoughts. In this way, a CBT therapist helps his patients in correcting their thoughts as well as their behaviours affected by their thoughts.

Specialist anxiety therapist on the other hand focuses on the causes of the anxiety of their patients and helps in getting rid of those causes. Normally the causes of anxiety are external like fear or phobia about some external thing instead of internal like thoughts and behaviour etc. Along with providing therapeutic treatment to their patients they also treat them through counselling to reduce the cause of their anxiety.

So, in case of the problem of anxiety it is better to go for a specialist Tarzana anxiety therapist instead of random therapist as this problem needs specific focus on its cause. 

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